29 December 2024

2024, Daily Devotion

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights.

📖Habakkuk 3:19(NIV)

The Lord our hope, is our strength and our shield.
The joy of the Lord is our strength.
Our God has given us the power to do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
Let us seek our Almighty Lord’s strength who empowers us and seek His face continually.

Dear Lord,
You are my strength, my shield, my everlasting hope.
Let Your joy fill my heart and lift my spirit.
Lead me to success in life’s challenges and unknown paths.
Let Your power be my constant guide, today and forevermore.

#DailyDewsofHope #DailyDevotion

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