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Daily Devotions

4 October 2024

4 October 2024

For I am the LORD, your God,who takes hold of your right hand andsays to you,Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13(NIV) During these times of your unfavorable circumstances, seek refuge in the Almighty God.Do not panic regarding the blocked ways before you, be in...

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3 October 2024

3 October 2024

Do not be afraid;keep on speaking,do not be silent. Acts 18:9(NIV) Preach the word and be prepared in season and out of season.Do not hesitate to speak aloud the truth of the Lord.Let your communication be of truth, Yes for Yes; No for no:Do not remain silent in these...

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2 October 2024

2 October 2024

The Lord gives strength to His people...  📖Psalm 29:11(NIV) Raging storms and striking waves may weaken you.Persevere in faith and do not depart from the presence of God.Strengthen yourself through prayer.Wait at Lord Almighty's feet until you can rise high above....

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1 October 2024

1 October 2024

...I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 📖Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) Cast all your anxiety on the Lord because He cares for you.He will deliver and lead us by making a way through the sea and a path through the mighty waters.We have a God who has...

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30 September 2024

30 September 2024

...be transformed by the renewing of your mind...  ?Romans 12:2(NIV) The greatest change is the change of mind toward God. Renewal of the mind is important to please God and to know His will. By living in Christ you are a new creation. If you are not born again in...

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29 September 2024

29 September 2024

...Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you. 📖Isaiah 54:14 (NIV) Trust in the Lord, and abide in Him, and live for Him alone.The faithful Lord will strengthen you and protect you from evil one.The Righteous God is with you to strengthen you and help...

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28 September 2024

28 September 2024

...You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed... 📖Joshua 23:14 (NIV) God will keep His promise to His children and fulfill it with His own hand.God is not a human to lie; He is able to deliver what...

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