25 December 2024

2024, Daily Devotion

the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

📖Matthew 4:16(NIV)

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus on this day, let the darkness depart and light shine in our hearts and homes.
May we remain steadfast in our hope in our Savior, who has transformed us as the light of the world.
It is our duty to proclaim the gospel of the Lord to those who are in a state of hopelessness.
May the grace, mercy, and peace of the Lord our hope, abide in us.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the gift of salvation and eternal life.
Let hope arise in us as witnesses of Your transforming light.
Empower us to spread the gospel to the lost.
May Your grace, mercy, and peace reside within us.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

#DailyDewsofHope #DailyDevotion