22 August 2024

2024, Daily Devotion

The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble.

📖Psalm 37:39 (NIV)

While depending on worldly hopes, you may be disappointed and dejected when troubles arise.
But when you live your life by relying on the Lord almighty alone, anxiety and hardships will not impact you.
He is sufficient for you in your needs.
In troubling times, the Lord will give you refuge in the cover of His wings.

Dear Lord,
In my times of trouble, I find refuge under the shelter of Your divine wings. Thank You.
I cast aside my worldly hopes and fears as You are my stronghold, my ever-present help.
In my weaknesses, remind me of Your strength.
Fill my heart with peace that surpasses understanding, for You are my deliverer.

#DailyDewsofHope #DailyDevotion
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