12 Jul 2024

2024, Daily Devotion

…without faith it is impossible to please God… 

 📖Hebrews 11:6(NIV)

Hold on to Jesus who is the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
In your difficult situations, if you believe you will see the glory of God.
If you keep the commandments of the Lord and do what pleases Him, you will receive anything you ask for.
Always glorify God with your mind of faith.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for granting the desires of my heart.
In the storms of this world, You are our mighty fortress, my strength, my hope, and my salvation.
Guide us to live a life that please You.
May Your name be glorified in our lives.

#DailyDewsofHope #DailyDevotion
🌐 www.dewsofhope.ca

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