10 February 2024

2024, Daily Devotion

…do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.

πŸ“–1Timothy 5:22 (NIV)

Blessed ones waiting to meet God face-to-face need to purify themselves, just as He is pure.
All those who are the temple of the Living God should know that there is no association of righteousness with wickedness.
Do not have fellowship with those who are not pleasing to God.
The wages of sin is death.


Dear Lord,
Forgive us our sins and cleanse us so we may lead a God pleasing pure life.
Transform us to be more like You and guide us in living as You do.
Help us to be friendly and grant us Your wisdom to choose our friends wisely.
We have faith that You will guide us to live in righteousness, and to avoid the wages of sin.

#DailyDewsofHope #DailyDevotion

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